Standard quality gradeChristmas trees of Standard quality are more open than trees of
Prima Extra quality, but are still beautiful and harmonious
trees, which may have minor imperfections.
Certified Original Nordmann S-Line Christmas trees are graded with the following labels.
Standard, 1.25-1.50 meters
Standard, 2.00-2.50 meters
Standard, 1.50-1.75 meters
Standard, 2.50-3.00 meters
Standard, 1.75-2.00 meters
Nordmann Action quality grade (unrated)
Action grade Nordmann Christmas trees are ideal for the price-conscious customer. The trees display some defects but all are salable Christmas trees with a minimum of 4 branch wreaths and 1 top. Our Christmas trees are labelled according to the following height classes:
Nordmann Action, 1.40-1.80 meters
Nordmann Action, 1.65-2.25 meters